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About the programme

The postdoc to research LEADer programme (LEAD) will recruit three cohorts of international postdoctoral fellows to the Biotech Research and Innovation Centre (BRIC), University of Copenhagen (UCPH). The programme is co-funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement no. 945322.

Participating in the LEAD programme will provide you with tools and insight to identify and overcome the obstacles for pursuing a career as a research leader in either academia or industry/biotech. LEAD will offer you an outstanding framework to conduct top interdisciplinary biomedical research that can advance your research fields, but at the same time support, nurture and challenge you to develop excellent research leadership competences and transferable skills, and to support your strategic career development.

LEAD aims to empower diverse research talent to become the next generation of creative, collaborative, responsible and inclusive research leaders. We will support them to deconvolute their personal way into research leadership and supply them with an ambitious and talented peer and collegial network. Three approaches will be taken to support fellow development: to train (provide tools for acquisition of skills), nurture (support and guide fellows to find their individual way) and challenge (push fellows to dare and to grow through accomplishment).

LEAD fellow development principles: To challenga, nuture and train individuality in reseach leadership


BRIC is a Centre of Excellence initiated in 2003 by the Danish Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation. BRIC has around 200 employees and 21 independent research groups. BRIC’s overall strategic mission is to perform cutting-edge disease-oriented biomedical research within cancer, metabolic and neurological diseases. The centre is internationally recognised as a leading player in a variety of disciplines including epigenetics, chromatin biology, RNA biology, stem cell research, cancer biology, invasion and metastases, neuro-degenerative diseases and bioinformatics.

The centre is localised in modern laboratories with state-of-the-art facilities, including eight core facilities open to all BRIC researchers, including expertise training in use and analysis of data offered by dedicated staff scientists. Further, BRIC researchers have extended access to facilities at the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences and through our membership in the EU-life alliance. BRIC also offer extensive support for the centre’s researchers including laboratory service (daily maintenance, repairs, central ordering, handling of laboratory safety issues etc), pre-award grant support, science communication and outreach programme, support for organisation of courses and scientific meetings, dedicated PhD and postdoc training and career development programmes.

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